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Showing posts from May, 2022

Ozark and the underlying moral question

 Somewhat famous Netflix series ‘Ozark’ has come to an end. Right from the start, Ozark has been hailed as next in the line from ‘Breaking Bad’. Ozark does not come close to the cold-blooded excellence of ‘Breaking Bad’, but it managed to create a world of its own, mostly due to impactful portrayal of Wendy Byrde. The end was quite classic, where Wendy has dialogues which capture the essence of her and Marty’s actions and of the theme of the series.             What captivates us in series like ‘Breaking Bad’ and ‘Ozark’ (and spin-off likes ‘Better Call Soul’) is supposed descent into the cesspool of immorality of the characters, the way they break into world of being bad. The way central character makes apparently ‘wrong’ choices, starting with justified ends like self-survival or helping the family, but eventually realizes the power that such wrong choices can confer and then takes that path to the end story has. The story ...