If life is meaningless, how do we justify the efforts to
help the other people? The only justification is that – my stated objective of
helping others is just the pretension and what I am doing is just having the
fun. The meaning of the work is the essential delusion we have to create to let
ourselves save from annihilating ourselves. But there is no meaning without our
assumptions and sometime the naked truth is out in front of us. What do we do
then? We bid for the time and shelter back in our delusion. Lucky are the
people who do not have to this exercise and damned are those who do not have
the shelter. Life is all about having our own walls and then longing for the
freedom from those walls while showing as if we are so warm, so good within
those walls. May be eventually we start believing in those walls and then we
are happy. Belief is happiness, and it is an ancient truth which we keep glimpsing
again and again.
May be
we can openly see our work as our own pastime and let it be nothing more than
it. But then we cannot be serious about anything. That is the problem. I was
always serious, but I saw that there is no ground to be serious about anything.
The ground is the imagined reality, the meaning is a fiction and life is walk
through delusions, ours and others’.