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Action and Knowledge

So far, so good! I am yet in great dilemma to decide which is going to be force that will design my path? i feel some thirst for knowledge, but I can't enjoy labeling some churning of data, or putting one's own perspective on some uncertain event and terming it as understanding. but even true knowledge is searched, it is gained, what if one realizes that it is going to be impotent? what if one realizes that all piles of knowledge about particular subject are not going to make difference of smallest scale to one who actually undergoes the even about which knowledge is concerned? this troubles, this hurts and more than it, it makes me to think am I doing what? a impact less search of knowledge or am I executing chain of actions to whom I haven't given any minute of analysis.
It is very easy to say that knowledge and action should be combined. but there is one very crucial point which is encountered by all those who try to make this fusion. as one seeks knowledge, he realizes that our knowledge about any event, any action is based on perspective. one tries to be as absolute as possible and then only some grains of knowledge can be achieved. this try to become as absolute as possible makes knowledge seeker more and more remote from impulse of actions. and that weakens the connection of knowlege and action.
On other side, one who is in constant stream of action learns to work more and more on rule of thumbs. there are times when such action person works wholely on impulses which knowledge seeker might term totally irrational. action person finds that knowledge search might kill action impulses to which he is kind of addctive. such knowledge person might have delusion of difference or impact made by actions. so again connection between his experince of action with knowledge of those actions weakens.
this makes clear what is the problem in "fusion of knowledge and action'.

I need to live my life, which is far apart from this philosophy. so what is my empirical problem?
I am learning Economics(am I?) this is social science(again disputed sentence). so it is full of decisions made by human beings. and such phenomenon are analyzed under various headings os social sciences. i guess all this research in social sciences is just for personal pleasure, personal passion of understanding social and personal choices. it is never going to be comprehensive and hence it is never going to generate impact which is expected from it. this might be the very bold statement to put at this earlier stage of my learning process. but this is what I feel.
on other hand, physical sciences are not going to encounter same uncertainity as social studies have. they do deal with uncertainities, but it is more of the type about whose nature one can make certain assumptions and assumptions which are closer to whar reality is.
so i feel inclination toward search of knowledge which is out from human decision making.

and here comes the advantages and disadvantages of my current position in life. which is I certainly not going to put here as I know there is one (may be just assumed) reader apart from myself, who is going to live this writing. i dont want this writings as justification of my actions. but i want this as sign board put on path which was not taken before and which may tell some knowledge seeker ,"hey man, this is not the path which is right. so please seek new one which in not yet proved wrong."
why my sign is for wrong and not for right is known by all who knows that we really neve know; we know that this is limit for approximation of knowledge.


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